imageWelcome to my blog. My name is Amanda Brandon. I’m a writer on a mission. I’m here to teach as well as explore the concept of being a work of God. Here’s how this blog came to be.

I was writing a note of encouragement to a person I did not know one night. I put his card on my nightstand when I went to tend to the baby and came back to it later.

I had looked up encouraging scriptures in a Google search and came up with this verse Psalm 139:13-14.

And before I finished the card, I added the words, “You are a work of God.”

The chord that struck with me was loud and sudden. I have always loved writing, but the desire to write personally has been painful.

Until I started this blog, I wrote for others, not me.

I’ve been called an MVP, a talented writer and have even won a few awards. But these were projects written for other people.

Here’s why.

Boys read my journals as a girl and it scarred my heart.

But now I can hear the Spirit shouting at me – this is your book. This is your call.

Yes, this will be a book at some point. But I felt the need to be writing this story – now. Not later. So, I started a blog.

Back to the call.

It was everywhere. At church when I purchased a book for a Bible study, the leader told me – “We finally found a Methodist who wrote a book study.”

“I’m writing one too.” Those were the words I had to hold back. Like a dam holds water.

These words from Him need a spillway. A floodplain.

They are not mine, but His.

He made me in the secret place. He made you in your secret place. He wrote a story for your life.

He created a masterpiece in you. And it’s time you believed it. You have worth. A purpose. A story as unique as Mona Lisa’s smile.

So here I am, Lord. A simple girl ready to do your work. I can admit a few truths to you. I’m no theologian. I’m not a Bible scholar.

But God calls us to follow Him, right here. Right now.

He uses the weak to show His strength.

Just like in Paul’s revelation in II Corinthians, God is using my weakness (fear of writing) to show His strength.

But to keep me from being puffed up with pride because of the many wonderful things I saw, I was given a painful physical ailment, which acts as Satan’s messenger to beat me and keep me from being proud. Three times I prayed to the Lord about this and asked him to take it away. But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ’s power over me. (II Corinthians 12: 6-9 GNT)

So this blog is my following His lead to bring the truth of His wonderful work on you to the forefront of your mind.

Not so you can become stronger, but so that He is stronger in you.

Will you buy in? That you are a work of God. Wonderfully and fearfully made. A wonderful work of our God.